The Trust

Formed in 2006, our Development Trust has been working to make our three islands vibrant and self-sustaining.

Supporting Our Community

Rousay, Egilsay & Wyre Development Trust is the development organisation for the three islands and are home to a community of approximately 260 people.

These residents worked together to form our Development trust in September 2006, with a view to tacking our local issues and improving the quality of life for those living in our communities.

Enhance our quality of life

Advancement of education and citizenship. The provision of recreational facilities, open spaces and public amenities. Relief of those in need by age, health, disability or hardship. Relief of poverty and unemployment.

Preserve our community

Advancement of community development, urban & rural regeneration. Advancement of arts, heritage, culture or science.

Secure our future

Advancement of environmental protection or improvement.


Following a series of reports commissioned by the public sector, between 2001 and 2007, Rousay Egilsay and Wyre, along with other Orkney islands, were defined as “becoming threatened” due to; population decline, below average economic activity, an ageing population and a reliance on inward migration.

Other Orkney-wide issues were also identified, including; high transport and shipping costs; a trend of depopulation on the inner and outer isles, with a gradual centralisation of people in Kirkwall/on the Mainland; a general decline in the traditional industries of fishing and farming, resulting in a need to train and support new business and high levels of under-employment, low wages and fuel poverty.

At an open meeting, on 18th September 2006, and with the support of Orkney Islands Council and Highlands and Islands Enterprise, residents from Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre collectively decided to form the Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre Development Trust. The objective was to establish a plan to reverse some of these trends, tackle local issues and improve the quality of life for those living in our communities. This mirrored activities across Orkney, where island communities have since set up community Trusts to progress a range of local projects. The REWDT was legally formed on 16 March 2007 and the Directors were formally elected to the Board in 2008.

All island residents over the age of 18 can apply to become a member of the REWDT. Our directors are elected from within the membership, by the members, and the combined Board makes decisions on what projects REWDT should develop to try and meet these aims.

Our strategic plan can be viewed in full here or a summary here.


Our resource of annual accounts and meeting records.

Peter Roebuck


Grant Mainland


Alison Mainland


Callum Flaws


Carole Maguire


Richard Tipper


Julie Akid


Kayleigh Tipper


Mark Hull

Director (co-opted)

Lloyd Gudgeon

Trust Manager

Helen Castle

Company Secretary & Finance Officer

Nicky Jacques

Wellbeing Co-ordinator

Ellie Roberts

Grants Officer

Alice Mainland


See our Projects

The trust undertakes a wide range of projects from community allotments to social housing…..