
The islands of Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre are home to a community of approximately 260 people and are an ideal commuter base, serviced by a regular ferry service operating from Tingwall on the Orkney Mainland.

Enhancing The Life Of Our Community

REWDT aims to further enhance the quality of life for residents, preserve our community and secure the islands’ future. To achieve this, we gather ideas from our residents, identify projects, and, with funding (obtained via Government/social initiatives or by turbine funds), turn these ideas into projects or community assets.

Many other smaller UK islands face similar issues to Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre, including an ageing and declining population, poor quality recreational facilities, a decline in traditional industries, limited employment opportunities, low wages, and fuel poverty. REWDT aims to create three vibrant, self-sustainable islands, tackling these challenges and improving the quality of life for residents.

Grants and Bursaries

Funding from our community wind turbine enables us to award grant funding to residents and groups, in line with our Charitable Aims. The grant funds are open to applications from any voluntary organisations and clubs, or any individual residents on Rousay, Egilsay or Wyre.

Find out about our activities and events coming up….