Community Transport

From the feedback we received at the recent ‘Roadshow’ event, and previous consultations, we have introduced a few new changes to our Car Club vehicle initially for May & June.

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From the feedback we received at the recent ‘Roadshow’ event, and previous consultations, we have introduced a few new changes to our Car Club vehicle initially for May & June.

  • The car hire charges for Island based members will be removed.
  • We are offering a Community Transport service with the car.

On Wednesday afternoons we will collect residents and take them to the shop/post office. We also are making a trip to Kirkwall with the car, next trip 8th June (but if there is demand we can schedule another trip before then). There is no charge for either of these apart from the passenger fee for the ferry crossing.

To register for using the car please see our website Car Club

To book a trip on a wednesday or to Orkney Mainland please call the office on 821229 or email

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