The central heartland of Rousay is moorland with rough terrain and steep slopes; it is usually reserved for the fit and the few to enjoy. The Heart of Rousay project aims to open up this hilly heartland for residents and visitors to enjoy.
Part of this project is the creation of a viewpoint and walkway at Kingarly Hill, the site of the 900kW wind turbine. The views from here incorporate the interior moorland landscape of Rousay, across Sourin Burn and Kierfea, and sea views looking out across to the North Isles and Mainland.
With generous external funding from Healthy Islands Fund, work can begin with the design and construction of a boardwalk, seating area and car park at Kingarly Hill. The boardwalk and seating will be tailored to allow access for people with limited mobility and wheelchair users.
Healthy Islands Fund is an investment from the Scottish Government to support community-led initiatives that promote healthier lifestyles on the islands.
The viewpoint will be a place to:
Celebrate the natural and cultural heritage of Rousey’s moorland
Enjoy the outdoors and connect with nature
Give access to those of all abilities and ages
Thanks to residents sharing their views in these surveys, we can show the community-need and enthusiasm for the project to funders! Your views and survey contributions make a real difference.
Community support for the creation of the viewpoint:
‘Creating viewpoints’ option was the highest scoring project option (+0.92) in the community ballot 2017 as part of the feasibility study for the community purchase of Trumland Estate.
In 2012, in a questionnaire sent to REW residents, 80% supported or strongly supported a viewpoint at the community turbine. 158 residents (77% of total residents) took part in the survey.
Updates on the Heart of Rousay project and viewpoint will be shared online via the REWDT website and Facebook page.
If you have any other enquiries, please get in touch with Eleanor by calling 01856 821229 or email