MAY Newsletter

Catch up with all the latest news in this months update, which covers Grant updates and new projects.

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Grants Updates

We are pleased to launch our grants for this coming financial year. The existing grants for child ferry tickets, driving lessons and medical support remain as previous.

Acknowledging the increase costs, the Wellbeing grant has increased to £125 per annum. Also increased is the education grant which now funds 90% of any costs up to £750.

A new community group grant is available to promote new groups or new activities.

For advice, help or to apply email

For general grant applications, the next Board meeting is 28th June, so please have any applications submitted by 14th June


REWDT Roadshow

A huge thank you to all who came to the Roadshow in March. We were able to showcase all of our ongoing and future projects, and get valuable input from the attendees.

The feedback from the event is being collated and will help form our new Development Plan which will be published soon.

Rural Housing

We have the tenders back from two companies who will undertake the work, unfortunately build costs are far more than was originally planned for.

With the assistance of our consultants we are looking to source extra external funding before committing to the work.

In the meantime please see the info about the new ‘homehunt’ scheme later in the newsletter.

The Pier

We have now received the environmental report from the consultants, outlining the extent of the oil contamination. We now and await the scope of work and costings for remediating the spill.

Once that is established we can make decisions about ‘next steps’.

Youth Clubs

After a two week break for the Easter holidays, the Rousay Youth Clubs have started meeting again on Wednesdays (3 – 4:30pm) and Sundays (1 – 3pm).

Come and join us for games, craft activities, baking, learning traditional skills and working on our heritage project!

We hope to see you there.

Alice, REW DT Youth Worker

For more information email Volunteer helpers required. Have a skill you think you could share with the group please get in touch!

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