Rousey Tales

A group specifically working on preserving and interpreting REW heritage.

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This podcast series from Orkney, Scotland, will take you around the island of Rousay, exploring life in the past and present.

We’ve used the resources of Orkney Library and Archive, Rousay Remembered and the UHI Archaeology Institute, together with contemporary recordings, to bring you this series of themed episodes.

Listen to stories from the archives, islanders and archaeologists woven with discoveries, folklore and places of intrigue. Find out about the houses for the living and the dead, crafts and making, fishing, and farming.

Listen to stories from the archives, islanders and archaeologists woven with discoveries, folklore and places of intrigue. Find out about the houses for the living and the dead, crafts and making, fishing, and farming.#

Rousay Tales will transport you to this special island.

Listen in here:

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