Bike and bike hire on Rousay
A fleet of e-bikes and one e-trike are on Rousay. These are for use by both visitors and residents. Tourists can arrive as a foot passenger, then hire the bikes from Trumland Organic Farm, the bike hire shed is next to Shore T’s a 2-minute’ walk from the Rousay Pier. Bikes (both pedal and e-bikes) can be hired per day, with helmets and water bottles included. Pre-booking is recommended. Please call Carol on 01856 821252.
Residents can loan a bike to test it out and consider buying their own, please contact the REW DT for more information.
The trust owns 690 Hectares of land – the Trumland Estate. Our community turbine is located on the land, and alongside it the newly opened ‘Heart of Rousay’ boardwalk, affording amazing views to all visitors (wheelchair friendly).
Community education and learning is a key aim for the trust. We secured a grant to supply all three islands with up to date computers with printers/scanners, and 5 iPads which will be available on a loan basis. We will also run community IT learning sessions.
Residents can rent an allotment or space in our polytunnel, as well as accessing equipment to help with growing and self-sufficiency.